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10 of the Best Treadmills Available to Buy

best treadmill

Finding the best treadmills for yourself is a difficult task, there are thousands of choices to be made, and no one treadmill is going to be the best for everything. You can have a treadmill that runs the fastest, provides the best customer service, folds up into a tiny space when not in use, and looks gorgeous, but if it costs too much then it is not right for you. 

Alternatively, you could have a treadmill that is a bargain, but only allows a top speed of 9mph whereas you require a treadmill that has a top speed of 12mph.

Finding the perfect treadmill for everyone is an even more difficult task! Some may even say impossible, as different people are going to have different priorities and requirements. 

Our Ten Treadmills Picks

To combat this issue, we have come up with a possible solution. We are going to look at ten of the best treadmills available to buy online. We will include at two affordable treadmill, two mid-range treadmills, and two premium treadmills. We will also include one space-saving treadmill, and three specialized treadmills (such as a desk treadmill for example). 

Every single one of the ten treadmills on this list will be worthy of their place, the affordable treadmills will be the BEST affordable treadmills, the space-saver treadmill will be the BEST space-saver treadmill etc. That way, anyone who has come to find the best treadmill should walk away happy (we sincerely hope so). Right let’s get started then!

10 of the Best Treadmills Available to Buy
ANCHEER Folding Treadmill44334826/35 Check Price
Bowflex BXT21655443728/35 Check Price
NordicTrack T 6.5 Treadmil55334626/35 Check Price
IN10CT Health Runner34023820/35 Check Price
Cybex 770T Treadmill45541827/35 Check Price
Life Fitness 95T Elevation Series24442824/35 Check Price
NordicTrack Commercial 2950355441031/35 Check Price
Horizon T303 Go Series35342623/35 Check Price
Precor TRM 425 Precision15452725/35 Check Price
NordicTrack C 165055344526/35 Check Price

Guidelines For Selecting The Best Treadmill

10 of the Best Treadmills Available to Buy

The chart above gives scores across six criteria and a total. We thought that it would be a good idea to give a quick explanation of what each criterion actually represents:

  • Price – this is not about finding the cheapest nor the most expensive, it is about finding a treadmill that represents the best value for money. A $2,000 treadmill may represent better value for money than a $100 treadmill if that $100 treadmill falls apart after two uses while the more expensive version lasts 20 years.
  • Durability – How long do we think that this treadmill will last, and how much damage do we think that it can safely sustain. We measure this by checking the maximum speeds that a treadmill is capable of going and the maximum weight that it can hold. If a treadmill can withstand a 300lb person running at 12mph then it is safe to say that it is more durable than a treadmill which can only take a 220lb person at 8mph max. The warranty that a company offers is also an indicator of the confidence that they have in their product.
  • Power – This is based on top speed that the treadmill is capable of, as well as the Horse Power (also known as continuous horse power or CHP) that the motor offers. 
  • Comfort – What shock absorption does it have in place? How well made is the belt? Is the belt wide enough for a comfortable stride? 
  • Space – How much space does a treadmill take up? Remember that most of these treadmills are going to be placed in someone’s home where space can be very important. If you have more than enough space then feel free to remove this score from the total.
  • Misc. – This last score is the most subjective of the bunch and is the only score that is out of ten rather than five. This is because some treadmills may be quite average in lots of ways but stand out from the crowd for something completely different. A treadmill desk for example is not going to score high in any of the other scores, but it may be a lifechanging piece of equipment. Misc. can include the number of programs offered, an amazing warranty, superb customer service, really clever operating system, or even having a tv which you can use while running.
  • Total – An aggregate score based on all of the criteria. Remember though, that this is based on certain criteria that may not interest you at all. For example, if you are looking for a treadmill that is incredibly durable and has the most power, then price (value for money) may not be important to you. Nor would space be if you have a massive house. The scores may help you, but don’t ignore a treadmill because it scored low in a criterion that you don’t actually care about.

Here we are going to list (in no particular order) ten of the best treadmills available to buy right now. At the end of this list we will mention our personal favorite and give our reasons as to why, but all of the treadmills on this list our fantastic for different reasons.

Treadmill #1: ANCHEER Folding Treadmill

Our first treadmill is one of our budget treadmills. This does not mean that you can get it from change found in your back pocket. But if you want a treadmill and have less than $600 to spend then this is the treadmill for you. 

While the ANCHEER folding treadmill is not as powerful as some on this list, at 3.25HP it is a lot more powerful than most budget options (they tend to average around 2HP). A more powerful motor means that you can run at fast speeds better (the machine can handle it) and your treadmill’s lifespan will be much longer.

The belt is 17 inches wide, which is pretty decent for a treadmill. It also provides cushioning to reduce shock, though it is not as shock absorbent as some of the pricier treadmills on this list. This treadmill really is great value for money. It’s an excellent compromise for someone who is looking for a bargain but is prepared to pay a little bit more for a treadmill that will last a long time and perform well throughout. 

A top speed of 9mph is surprisingly good for a budget treadmill, but this may not satisfy more experienced runners who will want to run faster. This treadmill is perfect for beginners. One area that the ANCHEER treadmill shines in is space. It uses a hydraulic folding system to fold up and take up half the space of a normal treadmill, allowing you to store it away when not in use. Great for people who live in smaller homes or apartments. 

Treadmill #2: Bowflex BXT216 Treadmill

The Bowflex BXT216 is one of our mid-range treadmills, it’s more expensive than our two “affordable” treadmills, but not as expensive as our premium treadmills. You may have heard of Bowflex before, the company is famous for innovative design, their adjustable dumbbells in particular. Bowflex only offer two treadmills so far, and the Bowflex BXT216 is their premium version.

The first thing that strikes you is the stunning design of the running belt and its support deck. Bowflex use Comfort tech deck suspension technology which is famous for its impact absorption and support. The belt is wider than usual too, offering 22 inches of width and 60 inches of length. This will help people with longer stride patterns as well as people who like a little bit of space while they run.

The Bowflex BXT216 is surprising because it can also fold up. Something that the larger models of treadmill rarely do. It utilizes a gas shock folding system which helps to create a soft drop when unfolding.

This treadmill is really powerful. It has a 4HP motor and offers a 15-degree incline. There is a maximum speed of 12mph which will please the sprinters among us. This is truly a great treadmill, which offers a free RunSocial app which transports your treadmill into 19 different locations (as well as 27 routes) by syncing up with your tablet. 

Treadmill #3: NordicTrack T 6.5 Treadmill

You are unlikely to ever see a top ten article about treadmills that doesn’t contain at least one treadmill from NordicTrack. They’re probably the best treadmill brand out there. The NordicTrack T 6.5 is part of their affordable range, with a price tag much lower than the majority of their treadmills. It is the second of our affordable range. 

First of all, aesthetically, this treadmill looks like it costs twice as much as it does. That doesn’t necessarily mean anything, but if you think about it this treadmill is going to be in your house. You want it to look nice right? The color scheme is beautiful, with a mix of blacks, greys, and oranges, as well as a very cool looking console. 

While this treadmill does not use a particularly powerful motor (just 2.6CHP) it manages to have a top speed of ten miles per hour and can withstand the weight of a 300lb person (lower-priced treadmills can usually only hold a 200-240lb person). It seems clear that the NordicTrack T 6.5 treadmill is durable and semi-powerful, it also offers a 10% incline and uses FlexSelect cushioning to improve shock absorption.

NordicTrack offer a 25-year motor warranty, a 1-year parts and labor warranty, and a lifetime frame warranty. There is also a 30-day free iFit trial membership that you can try out, which could be well worth a go. The treadmill also folds up meaning that it takes up a lot less space than you would think given the size.

Treadmill #4: IN10CT Health Runner

The IN10CT Health Runner is something a little different from the other treadmills on this list. For starters, it is curved. This is to best recreate the act of running, and is great for people who usually run outside. The main difference though is that this treadmill does not use a motor! So no electricity bills, no wearing out after a few years, no power cuts affecting your sprint!

The lack of electricity means that you have to generate your own momentum. This has a lot of benefits, you burn 30% more calories using a IN10CT treadmill than you would with a regular one. It also matches your speed. 

This makes it perfect for HIIT. With a regular treadmill, HIIT can be a bit of a pain, because you need to keep adjusting the speed. Even the best treadmill in the world can’t drop from 12mph to 5mph in a couple of seconds. But the IN10CT Health Runner can do that, because it is all based on how fast you are travelling. Just like running in a park. If you need to sprint then just start sprinting. If you need to walk then slow down!

Sure, this treadmill doesn’t offer the entertainment benefits of a motorised treadmill. There are no consoles with stats about your run, no touchscreen HD tvs. This is the treadmill for serious runners.

Treadmill #5: Cybex 770T Treadmill

You get the sense with this treadmill that Cybex had something to prove! They’ve thrown everything at it. This may be a home treadmill, but it can stand tall amongst gym standard treadmills. It is incredibly durable, able to withstand 400lbs at top speed. They have an excellent motor, and the running deck is incredibly shock absorbent. 

The warranty on the Cybex 770T treadmill is excellent. There is a ten year warranty on the frame, a seven year warranty on the parts, and a one year warranty on labour. It is always a good sign when a product has a good warranty, because it shows how confident the company (Cybex) is in the reliability of their product.

One feature that we really like about the Cybex 770T treadmill is the safety aspect. The safety rail is much larger, and the treadmill offers additional stability bars to help you hold on. There is also a safety key that when pulled switches off the treadmill. 

The only real downside to this treadmill is the size of it. Sadly, it is too big to be folded away and you’re not going to be able to transport it around your home after use. This type of treadmill needs to be placed in a room with a lot of space in it. 

Overall, this is a high quality treadmill that is ideal for home or even commercial use. It has a powerful motor, superb safety features, and is very durable. This treadmill should function perfectly for years and years. A wise investment.

Treadmill #6: Life Fitness 95T Elevation Series Treadmill

There are lots of reasons why the 95T Elevation treadmill from Life Fitness is on this list. It’s a seriously good, gym-quality treadmill that is ideal for home workouts. Boasting a 19 inch integrated touch screen, the console is also able to be used in conjunction with Apple and Android products.

Which is all well and good, but what about its ability to provide a good workout? Fear not, the 95T elevation has more than enough features to make your run as good as you could hope for. The shock absorption of this treadmill is superb, reducing knee and joint strength by as much as 30% thanks to the FlexDeck Shock Absorption system they use for the running deck.

There is a 4-HP motor that has a peak of 8-HP! Combined with the superior cushioning from Lifespring shock absorbers you are barely going to hear a sound while this is running. The deck also has stride sensor, which turns the belt off when it doesn’t sense your presence on the machine. A great way to automatically turn off the machine when not in use. Also improves safety as it means that you won’t accidentally climb onto a treadmill that is already running!

There are a whole host of pre-programmed workouts for you to follow, as well as several fitness tests. This is clearly a treadmill that is primarily designed for busy gyms, but that attention to detail makes it the perfect home treadmill to buy.

Treadmill #7: NordicTrack Commercial 2950

The NordicTrack Commercial 2950 is probably the most expensive treadmill on this list, and it is definitely within the premium bracket for treadmills. It is powerful, durable, comfortable, and has a huge number of high-quality additions that really helps it to stand out from the crowd. It is sold by the most trusted treadmill brand around and is also foldable!

The first thing to mention is the powerful motor that this treadmill is packing, its motor is 4.25 continuous horse power. The treadmill also has incline and decline going from -3 to 15% and allowing you to simulate running both up and down a steep slope. There are two fans in the treadmill which work excellently when you’re sweating during a run.

The treadmills use Runners Flex ™ Cushioning to absorb shock and make the run as comfortable as possible. What’s really cool about this treadmill though is that it comes with a 22-inch HD touchscreen display. The treadmill comes with a year’s free membership to iFit, a program that trains you like a personal trainer would. iFit works by filming spectacular locations with a running coach and streaming onto your touchscreen display. As you run it will feel like you are running in these locations.

It sounds a bit crazy, but you’ll really feel like you’re there rather than just inside your house. The program will make you run faster and will change the incline or decline to reflect the surfaces in the video. You’ll soon think that you’re racing your coach up a hill in Italy rather than running on a treadmill indoors. After a year you will have the option to renew. 

If you’ve been using the program daily for the whole year then you’ll probably be happy to start paying, if you’ve barely touched the program then you can refuse without feeling like you’ve missed out on anything. It’s completely up to you.

Treadmill #8: Horizon T303 Go Series Treadmill

Horizon are well known for making high quality, well-priced treadmills. The Horizon T303 Go Series treadmill is a continuation of this. There are three different treadmills within the Go Series. The T101, T202, and the T303. The final one (T303) is specifically designed to handle the rigours of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).

HIIT is the most challenging form of cardio for any treadmill as it involves running at the highest speeds for short bursts of time, combined with low speed recovery. This can be as short as 20 seconds and 10 seconds of sprinting. Many treadmills don’t have the motor for it!

The T303 has a 3 CHP motor, which is decent. There are treadmills with more powerful motors that can withstand even more intense running. But they don’t tend to be at as reasonable price as this! 

The treadmill has an excellent shock absorption system, thanks to variable response cushioning. There is decent incline and the treadmill is whisper quiet. What more could you ask for? A lifetime frame warranty? Well, that’s a very specific request, but Horizon has you covered. They also offer a lifetime motor warranty, which is worth its weight in gold if you’re going to be sprinting day after day!

Treadmill #9: Precor TRM 425 Precision Series Treadmill

Hot on the heels of the Sole TT9 treadmill we have another treadmill that is designed for runners and is high on quality if not particularly high on gadgets. This treadmill really stands out by its use of patented ground effects impact control technology. This means that the treadmill is going to be amazing for shock absorption.

Why does shock absorption matter? Running on hard surfaces can put a LOT of stress onto your joints and leave you susceptible to injury. That’s why so many treadmills on this list have invested time and money into cushioning systems. We think that the cushioning system used by the Precor TRM 425 Precision Series treadmill is the best on this list (and therefore most lists). 

The impact absorption works in both vertical and horizontal planes. This is different to almost all treadmills that only concentrate on vertical absorption. But many runners find that as they run their foot will land front to back but then move slightly left to right or vice versa. 

Obviously, your foot isn’t moving as much in a left to right plane, which is why most treadmills ignore it. But there is still some movement and by increasing shock absorption in the horizontal plane this treadmill will reduce the risk of knee injuries or ankle injuries. 

The treadmill also comes with a chest strap for measuring your heart rate and a 5 inch High Contrast LCD Display. There are 13 workout metrics and 9 pre-programmed workouts included. Not as great as the NordicTrack offerings, but still more than enough to keep you occupied while running.

Treadmill #10: NordicTrack C 1650 Treadmill

The final treadmill that we’re going to look at is ANOTHER NordicTrack treadmill, what can we say? They’re amazing. The NordicTrack C 1650 is a mid-range treadmill. It’s a decent price and great value for money. The treadmill provides a 10-inch web-enabled touchscreen, a 3.5 CHP motor and an incline that goes as high as 12%. 

One cool feature of this treadmill is that you can adjust the cushioning to suit your needs. You can either look to reduce the impact on your joints or choose a firm-deck option which recreates the feeling of running on a road (and should allow you to run harder). Most new runners will pick the former, but road racers may enjoy the latter.

The treadmill also offers an Auto breeze fan, 34 workout apps, a 5-year parts warranty, and an adjustable tablet holder. NordicTrack have really pulled all the stops out as per usual. This treadmill even folds up to save space when not in use. Another cool feature is that NordicTrack have designed the running belt to be the quietest yet, by reducing noise and friction. This also increases the lifespan of the treadmill and improves durability.

The Best Treadmill Available to Buy

As you can see from our scoring system, the NordicTrack Commercial 2950 is by far the best overall treadmill on this list. That doesn’t necessarily mean that it is the right choice for everyone though. As it is one of the most expensive treadmills out of the ten it may well be too expensive for many people’s budgets. 

What we thought that we would do is to name our favorite low-priced treadmill, our favorite medium-priced treadmill, and our favorite premium treadmill. That way you can buy the right treadmill for your budget.

Best Low-Priced Treadmill: ANCHEER Folding Treadmill

There were a few really clever lower-priced treadmills on this list, but the ANCHEER folding treadmill stood out thanks to its surprisingly powerful motor and top speed. This beats the NordicTrack economy treadmill which sells for a similar price. The fact that it folds so well is another bonus. This treadmill will suit new runners and those with a more modest budget.

Best Medium-Priced Treadmill: Bowflex BXT216 Treadmill

Wow, this was a tough one with the NordicTrack C 1650 treadmill providing stiff competition. But the Bowflex BXT216 really captured our imagination with an excellent design, a great price, and 4 HP motor. A truly excellent machine at an affordable price.

Best Premium Treadmill: NordicTrack Commercial 2950

WHAT a treadmill this is, seriously impressive. A 4.25 CHP motor makes this treadmill stand out from the rest, as does its touchscreen, incredible shock absorption, incline and decline features, and its use of technology to make you feel like you are actually running outside (thanks to iFit for that).

Best Treadmill Overall

It’s a really tough choice between the Bowflex BXT216 and the NordicTrack Commercial 2950, on the one hand, the NordicTrack treadmill is superior in a number of ways. But considering how much cheaper the Bowflex treadmill is, it manages to keep pace (if you’ll excuse the pun) with the NordicTrack. 

If money was no object, we’d say NordicTrack – and our scoring system definitely indicates that it is the runaway winner – but if you’re looking for value for money the Bowflex is probably your best bet. The iFit training program really puts NordicTrack in a league of its own, but that subscription only lasts for one year and then it’s an added extra that you need to pay for.

Our Verdict: NordicTrack Commercial 2950. While it is much more expensive than the Bowflex, it really is superior in every way. More powerful, better computer, better training programs, better cushioning, and a really cool free trial of iFit. Great value for money when you consider all of the benefits.

Final Thoughts

Any one of the treadmills on this list could be the right choice for you, but please consider what it is that you want out of a treadmill before purchasing. If you are planning on using it for an hour each day for years, then spending more on your treadmill makes a lot of sense. If you are thinking of purchasing a treadmill as a backup for when the weather makes outdoor running impossible, then you can probably get away with a cheaper model.

Treadmills are a high-value investment, and you’re unlikely to spend anything near as much on any other item of fitness equipment. If you are just starting out then a cheaper treadmill is ideal, this way you can gauge how often you will actually use the treadmill, and what functions you need. If you are out of breath while walking, then a top speed of 12mph is not going to affect your enjoyment of a treadmill is it?

Whichever treadmill you choose, we wish you the best of luck with it. Used often, a treadmill can make a huge difference to your health and fitness. Just make sure that you have the right treadmill for your needs.