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Best Exercise Bike Guide for Home Use

Best Exercise Bike Guide for Home Use

Working out at home is becoming more and more popular, and many people are realizing that investing in high quality workout equipment is a smart move. In this article, we will be taking a look at the best home exercise bikes that are currently available to buy.

We will take a look at what makes a good exercise bike, before showcasing our eight favorite models. Taking an in-depth look at each one, highlighting their benefits and any negatives you may need to consider. Overall, this should help you to find the best exercise bike for home use. 

What to Look for in an Exercise Bike

Finding the perfect exercise bike will differ from person to person. Some will want an exercise bike that takes up very little space, others won’t care about that so long as it is powerful. Different people will have different requirements, however, there are some values that will apply to almost everyone. Which is what we base our rankings table on (see below). 

  • Value for Money – This is not a measure of how inexpensive a bike is, but how well-priced it is. We’ve tried to include a range of different prices. Showcasing the best exercise bike under $300, the best exercise bike under $500, and some bikes that are significantly cheaper and more expensive. But all of the bikes on our list are well worth their price and are good value for money.
  • Durability – If you are sitting on a machine and placing all of your weight on it, then you want to know that the machine is going to stay secure and safe throughout your workout. A well made exercise bike will provide you with that security. But durability is also a measure of how long the exercise bike will last you. There is no point in spending a fortune on an exercise bike that won’t last longer than six months! 
  • Entertainment – Most forms of exercise are performed at such intense levels that an iPad or smartphone is not going to be all that useful. But exercise bikes are perfect for the use of entertainment devices. Whether you are using your iPad to perform a virtual workout or cycling sedately while catching up on your Netflix show of choice. Almost all exercise bikes now offer some form of entertainment, even if it is just a safe place to put your phone while you cycle.
  • Mobility – Obviously, we’re not talking about the ability to cycle across your home and out the door. But even stationary bikes need to be moved, particularly if you like to position it in front of the television (for example) while you use it, but then store it elsewhere. How easy they are to move when not in use is actually quite important for many people. 
  • Size – Not always a deal-breaker, but if you don’t have much space in your home then finding an exercise bike that is small and compact (while still scoring high in other areas) could be very important. 

Comparison Table

In this article, we will be scoring each exercise bike based on the above criteria. Each section will be scored out of five, with the total score out of twenty five. Of course, if space (for example) is not important to you, and the bike scores highly in other areas, then the total score won’t matter to you. But we feel that this is the most effective way to decide which is the best overall exercise bike for your home.

Best Exercise Bike Guide for Home UseValueDurabilityEntertainMobilitySizeTotal
ATIVAFIT Folding Stationary Bike5325520/25 Check Price
TRYA Indoor Exercise Bike4443419/25 Check Price
Sovnia Exercise Bike4443419/25 Check Price
YOSUDA Indoor Cycling Bike4344419/25 Check Price
Bowflex C7 IC Bike4555423/25 Check Price
YOSUDA L007A Exercise Bike4545422/25 Check Price
NordicTrack S22i Studio Cycle4555423/25 Check Price
PooBoo Exercise Bike4444420/25 Check Price

As you can see, we have two clear winners, the Bowflex and the NordicTrack. Both of which also tend to be significantly more expensive than the others on this list. Luckily, there are some high quality (and high scoring) bikes at different price points such as the YOSUDA bikes and the PooBoo.

Now that you’ve seen the score, let’s take a closer look at each of the eight bikes on our list. This should hopefully help you find your perfect exercise bike for home use.

Best Exercise Bike #1: ATIVAFIT Folding Stationary Bike

The ATIVAFIT folding stationary bike is by far the lowest priced exercise bike on this list. We would also say that it is the smallest, and the most easily mobile. It can be folded up and easily transported across a room. Making it absolutely perfect for smaller homes, or home gyms that don’t offer a lot of space. 

Considering its low price, the low scores for entertainment and durability are perhaps understandable. Any exercise machine that can be easily folded is obviously not going to feel as secure as an incredibly heavy and stable machine. That’s the trade off you make. 

That does not mean that the ATIVAFIT model is badly made though, nor does it mean that it won’t last you for a long time. What has made this model so popular is its ability to punch above its weight. 

We’ve scored it low for entertainment, because all it offers is a very flimsy looking shelf for your phone or iPad. But to be honest, do you really need much more than that? The shelf is angled so your phone won’t fall out. Meaning you can watch it while cycling and be entertained. 

The low score represents the fact that they could barely have done less than they did. But as with most things with this bike, it does enough considering the price. The bike offers heart rate sensors in the handles, a small yet functional display screen (tracking calories burned, heart rate, distance, speed, and time). It also has a surprisingly comfortable seat. 

Overall, this is a great low-budget exercise bike. Perfect for beginners, people with a lack of space, and more modest budgets. The maximum weight capacity of 300lbs is very generous for such a small bike. 

Best Exercise Bike #2: TRYA Indoor Exercise Bike

Compared to the ATIVAFIT folding bike, the TRYA is a more robust product. It is more durable (with a 350lb max weight capacity), is sturdier, and is still quite compact. It’s more expensive, but not much more expensive. It is good value for money, a decent size, has a slightly more sophisticated entertainment set up, and only loses out on mobility.

Like a lot of the bikes on this list, it does have transportation wheels. But compared to the others the wheels are smaller, and the shape of the bike is a little less convenient when it comes to wheeling the bike away. Not too big a deal, and certainly not a deal-breaker. But this is why we gave it the lowest score (3/5) for mobility out of all eight bikes.

But what do we like about it? The bike has a good flywheel, meaning you’ll get a decent workout from it. It is sturdy and well made, even if it is a little brutal in appearance. The monitor is decent, but nothing special. The entertainment shelf is a lot better designed than the ATIVAFIT one, and there is a really cool floor leveler system that can help you adjust to uneven floors. A nice touch.

Overall, this is a decent exercise bike, and fits well into the best exercise bike under 300 category. The seat cushion is well made, the bike rides well, and there’s little to complain about. Excellent value for money, and great for modest budgets. 

Best Exercise Bike #3: Sovnia Exercise Bike

The Sovnia exercise bike is very similar to the TRYA exercise bike. They have equal scores (19/25), and similar strengths and weaknesses. The Sovnia exercise bike is well made, is good value for money, has decent durability (max user weight capacity of 330lbs), and is a decent size for small spaces. Like the TRYA it scores a little lower for mobility. Weighing in at 73lbs, it’s a little awkward to move, but we don’t believe that this is in any way a deal-breaker!

It has a decent entertainment media shelf, but nothing special. The seat is described as comfortable, but as with almost any exercise bike, this varies depending on who’s sitting on it. The resistance is very easy to adjust, with a simple knob placed within easy reach. 

This is not the most aesthetically pleasing exercise bike. But it is well priced, durable, and if you own an iPad, tablet, or smartphone then you should be able to enjoy your workout. It’s a great mid-priced model, and a smart investment. 

Best Exercise Bike #4: YOSUDA Indoor Cycling Bike

The YOSUDA indoor cycling bike is very similar in design to the previous two bikes. The main difference is a slightly less durable frame. It has a max user weight capacity of 270lbs, which is less than both of them. Other than that, it’s a very reasonably priced product. It is slightly easier to transport after use, and you’ll be perfectly happy with it considering the price point.

The tablet mount is nice, and the bike comes with a fairly decent LCD monitor. This machine is very stable, and the resistance knob is simple to use and adjust. The bike uses cage pedals, which really help with generating more power as you cycle but can take a while to get used to.

This is the first of two YOSUDA bikes on this list, and we definitely prefer the latter. But this is slightly less expensive, so if you have a more modest budget then check this one out. 

Best Exercise Bike #5: Bowflex C7 IC Bike

The last three bikes on our list have all been pretty similar. Good value for money, low price point, and perfect for a small budget. The Bowflex C7 IC Bike is on the complete opposite end of the spectrum. It is a big investment, but you are playing for gym-quality. It’s incredibly stable, durable, and it offers a 7 inch HD touchscreen. Which is a big step up from the “entertainment shelf” that other bikes on this list offer. Though, it does actually have one of those as well!

There are 100 resistance levels available, Bluetooth speakers, dual-sided pedals, and even a small rack that contains a set of 3lb dumbbells. Perfect for anyone following an online spin class (similar to Peloton). 

Ideally, you want to sign up for a JRNY membership alongside this exercise bike. This allows you to stream tv shows and films onto your touchscreen. You can also use Zwift, Peloton, or similar subscriptions alongside your JRNY membership. Which also offers a virtual workout experience of its own.

This exercise bike is ideal for someone who is likely to use it regularly and at a high intensity. It is perfect for real cyclists, who fancy an excellent replacement for when the weather or early evenings affect their ability to cycle outdoors. 

If you love spin classes, or circuit training, then this Bowflex bike is amazing. The JRNY experience offers 45 trainer-led workout videos for you to follow along with your bike. It’s a big investment, but this bike absolutely justifies every penny. 

Best Exercise Bike #6: YOSUDA L007A Exercise Bike

This is the second YOSUDA exercise bike on our list. As we mentioned in the previous YOSUDA bike review, the L007A exercise bike is definitely our preferred of the two. It’s a lovely design, and very aesthetically pleasing. The black and orange color scheme works really well, but let’s talk about the actual effectiveness of the bike, rather than how it looks.

It’s durable, with a 330lb max user weight capacity. Stability is provided by adjustable stands, and it is still light enough to easily transport around the room. Seriously, this bike is amazing value for money, and you can see how this is a proper update on the previous model (bike #4). Which was already good enough to make this list!

The breaks are great, using a felted wool brake rather than inferior fibers, which makes your breaks quieter and more responsive. The adjustable resistance knob is still the same and works well. This bike scores an excellent 22/25, only losing out on top place to the Bowflex and NordicTrack bikes, both of which are significantly more expensive. This is definitely the best bike under 500.

Best Exercise Bike #7: NordicTrack Commercial S22i Studio Cycle

There are a lot of similarities between the NordicTrack Commercial S22i Studio Cycle, and the Bowflex C7 IC Bike. Both are much higher in price than the other bikes on this list, both have a dumbbell cradle with two 3lb dumbbells, and both contain a superb HD monitor. 

The monitor for this bike is a thing of beauty. It is absolutely massive (22 inches) and has a rotating screen. Meaning that if you are doing a hybrid workout where you spend some time away from the bike (doing squats, or some yoga for example) you can rotate the screen, so it is easy to see.

The bike has both an incline and decline setting, something that is rare in treadmills and completely unheard of in exercise bikes. The workouts that you can follow on your bike will automatically adjust the incline and decline settings, meaning that all you have to do is focus on the ride itself. 

This bike has absolutely everything, and it is a real struggle to decide which out of this bike and the Bowflex is the best bike on this list. We’ve scored them equally, and that feels like a fair shout. Two amazing bikes, that represent the top price range for home exercise equipment.

Best Exercise Bike #8: PooBoo Exercise Bike 770-3

The final bike on our list is the PooBoo exercise bike. This is a lovely, mid-range exercise bike, that is excellent value for money. It works well, and does just enough to outperform similar bikes on this list (Trya, Sovnia, YOSUDA). There is a bidirectional flywheel, which provides a smooth and stable ride. It’s easy to transport and has a good adjustable resistance knob. 

It’s durable enough, with a 330lb max user weight capacity. It also used caged foot pedals to allow you to train at a higher intensity. There is 4 way seat adjustment, which is a nice touch, and 2 way handlebar adjustment. 

This is a nice exercise bike, that will suit those of you who want to spend a decent amount of money, but not a fortune. It should last you a long time, will perform well, and has some nice features. We’ve given it a score of 20/25, placing it towards the higher end of our 8 bikes, and that feels about right.