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4 Best Cross Trainers for Men

Best Cross Trainers for Men 2

When men have typically bought fitness equipment in the past it has usually been limited to a set of dumbbells, or perhaps an exercise bike. But recently, there has been a huge increase in interest in cardio equipment such as treadmills, rowers, and cross trainers by both men and women. In this article, we will be looking at some of the best cross trainers for men. Helping you to pick a machine that suits your specific needs. 

What Do Men Want in a Cross Trainer?

It’s difficult to separate what men and women want when they are looking for cross trainers without descending into casual sexism. Do men want their cross trainers to look like sports cars? Probably not. They almost certainly want the same things as women. Good value for money, durable, and well made. Perhaps men are more likely to be interested in the technological side of things? But that may just be a lazy stereotype.

In this article we will be looking at the following criteria to assess whether a cross trainer is a good product or not. Here are the criteria we will be looking at:

  • Value for Money– Who doesn’t love a bargain? It’s not about finding the cheapest model, nor does it necessarily mean finding the most expensive. It’s finding the cross trainer that represents the best long-term investment. What cross trainer is being sold at an amazing price? What cross trainer is sold at a premium but is worth every penny?
  • Durability – How long will your cross trainer last you? How well will it withstand the pressures of a high intensity workout? How comfortable and safe will you feel while using it? Durability can usually be assessed by max user weight capacity, how well the machine is crafted, and how stable it is. You also want to know if it will last you 10 days or 10 years!
  • Size – Whether you are male or female, how much space your cross trainer takes up is probably of paramount importance to you. At the end of the day, you need something that is going to be easy to store away when not in use. 
  • Noise – How loud is the cross trainer? Will it wake the neighbours? Will you be able to watch TV while using it? Or will the noise drown out everything else? A quiet cross trainer that runs smoothly is obviously desirable. 

Comparison Table

In the table (below), we will evaluate all four of the above criteria, and give a total score out of 20. This will give you an indication of which cross trainer will suit you best, and which is the overall best cross trainer for men. 

Best Cross Trainers for MenValueDurabilitySizeNoiseTotal
Bowflex M8 Max Trainer455519/20 Check Price
Schwinn 470 Elliptical Machine443415/20 Check Price
Body Power 2-in-1 Elliptical Machine445417/20 Check Price
Nautilus E618 Elliptical Machine453416/20 Check Price

As you can see, our favorite cross trainer for men is the Bowflex M8 Max Trainer, with the other three not far behind. All four are seriously good cross trainers. They are excellent value for money, highly durable, a reasonable size, and surprisingly quiet for cardio machines. 

In the next section, we are going to take a closer look at each one of the cross trainers on this list. Helping you to decide which one suits your needs best and represents the smartest investment. 

Best Cross Trainers for Men #1: Bowflex M8 Max Trainer

Bowflex are perhaps most famous for their adjustable dumbbells, but their cardio range is becoming increasing recognized as a class apart from most of the competition. While their treadmills are a huge highlight, their Max Trainers are fast becoming the jewel in their crown.

The Bowflex M8 Max Trainer is not inexpensive, it is perhaps the most expensive cross trainer on this list. But it is an amazing piece of kit. This is a hybrid machine that provides an excellent cross trainer as well as a superior step machine in one. 

What’s great about this is that it requires much less space than a traditional cross trainer, yet your stride length is still similar. The machine is a thing of beauty, with an amazing aesthetically pleasing design.

The display is beautiful, and so functional! Rather than the now traditional LCD display, the Bowflex M8 Max Trainer uses a dashboard that would be more at home in a classic sports car. The resistance can be easily changed, using a well placed switch. There are excellent pulse monitors built into the handles. It even has a magnetic media rack where you can safely place your iPad or tablet.

This product is seriously durable, and the stability is superb. You can travel at your fastest speed without any worries, and the machine is whisper quiet. While the Bowflex M8 Max Trainer certainly represents a large investment, it is a sound one that will last you decades provided you look after it. By far one of the best cardio machines on the market at this current time.

Best Cross Trainers for Men #2: Schwinn 470 Elliptical Machine

Compared to the Bowflex machine, the Schwinn 470 elliptical machine is a lot more traditional. There is no stepper feature, but this elliptical functions perfectly as a cross trainer, which is exactly what you’re looking for right? 

The stability of the machine is superb, thanks to its large size and well crafted frame. It runs very smoothly and scores a 4/5 for noise. It will last you years, and can withstand the hardest, most intense workouts without any issue. 

The cross trainer has Bluetooth connectivity, meaning that it can sync with numerous fitness apps such as the Schwinn Trainer App to help you track your activity. 

The only downside is how large the cross trainer is. This obviously helps with durability, stability, and its ability to withstand high intensity workouts. But if your home has limited space, then this may not be the right choice for you. 

Other than that, though, this is an absolutely superb cross trainer, which represents good value for money. If space is not an issue, then the Schwinn 470 elliptical machine is excellent competition for our top performing Bowflex M8 max trainer. 

Best Cross Trainers for Men #3: Body Power 2-in-1 Elliptical Machine

If space has stopped you from purchasing the Schwinn 470 elliptical machine, then the Body Power 2-in-1 elliptical machine may be a better option. It is about half the size! Like the Bowflex, the Body Power cross trainer is a hybrid of cross trainer and stepper. 

It’s a lovely size and reminds us of a spin bike. This was clearly designed for classes but will work wonderfully well in your home. It is very durable, though perhaps not quite as durable as the Schwinn or Bowflex. Then again, it’s about half the price!

That’s not to say that it isn’t durable though. It will last you years and can withstand a highly intense workout without complaining. This is an excellent mid-range investment, which will provide hundreds of hours of service. 

The display screen is simple and easy to use, with a sensible knob for changing the resistance. There are well designed pulse monitors on the handles, which will help with finding your heart rate and can be used for fat burning. 

The curve crank technology they use is designed to improve the smoothness of the pedals, and contributes to the 4/5 score for noise, as this is a very quiet cross trainer. Overall, an excellent product that is great value for money.

Best Cross Trainers for Men #4: Nautilus E618 Elliptical Machine

The last cross trainer for men on this list is the Nautilus E618 elliptical machine. Like the Schwinn 470, this cross trainer scores low on size (3/5) as it has a large frame and sturdy design. But this contributes to the higher durability score and explains why it has a max user weight capacity of 300 lbs, which is much higher than the average for a cross trainer.

This is on the higher end of the market when it comes to price, but thanks to its robust and durable design, that cost per year will drop right down. You can expect to still be using this 15 years from purchase provided you treat it with love.

The handles are a little different to what you may be used to, with a rather funky design. But they are ergonomically designed for comfort and can be held in a variety of grips. The suspension adjust performance cushioning system will enable you to enjoy one of the smoothest rides possible. 

Considering its size, it is surprisingly easy to transport around the house. Perfect if you need to move it out of the way after use. This is a gym quality cross trainer that is perfect for the studio or for the home. A real winner!